Flood Reduction
Services Included
- Levee evaluations
- Levee repairs
- Levee certification
- Floodplain mapping
- Geotechnical evaluations
- Structural review and design
- Conditional Letter of Map Revision
- Letter of Map Revision
AP is a recognized expert in levee evaluation, repairs, and certification, and floodplain mapping in the Pacific Northwest. AP was the first consulting engineering firm in the nation to submit the required documentation for levee certification and receive approval through the Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) process. AP possesses a thorough knowledge of FEMA’s levee certification process and understands the requirements of the FEMA policy memorandums.
Throughout the project, AP’s lead engineer worked tirelessly to complete all the required repairs and satisfy all of the levee’s identified deficiencies in order to qualify the levee for federal accreditation. AP gathered and analyzed the enormous amount of data, designed and engineered the repairs of the levee, and oversaw all the construction projects. AP did a fabulous job with an extremely complex and difficult project.